Roseburg Sobering Center

Get to know the dedicated team at the Roseburg Sobering Center, providing a haven for recovery and reducing the strain on local emergency services.

Pictured From Left to Right: Crystal Michael, Ethan Thompson, Stacey Wiard, & Dawn Hemry

The Roseburg Sobering Center, operated by Adapt, stands as a vital community resource at 251 NE Patterson Street. This center is more than a facility; it’s a pivotal community initiative designed to offer a secure and supervised environment for publicly intoxicated individuals on their journey toward sobriety.

Located strategically to relieve pressure on local jails and emergency departments, the Sobering Center offers individuals a safer alternative to the streets or the legal system. Here, individuals can sober up in a supportive setting, and if necessary, begin their path to detoxification and recovery. This approach not only aids their recovery but also comes with a lower societal and financial cost—approximately $350,000 annually, funded through community partnerships, grants, and donations.

Our center is unique because access is exclusively through law enforcement referrals. This ensures we help those most in need, enhancing community safety and allowing law enforcement to concentrate on more serious offenses. The center is also a testament to effective cross-system collaboration, a strategy developed with insights from intercept mapping by Douglas County’s Local Public Safety Coordinating Council.

The team at the Sobering Center is passionate about their role in making Douglas County a safer, healthier place. Their commitment goes beyond managing the center—they connect individuals with essential behavioral, physical health, and social services, helping to prevent the long-term consequences of a criminal record.